Please don't allow COVID-19 to escape to Cottonwood Butte!

What you can do:
Stay home if you feel sick, have a fever ,have been exposed, or have any pre-existing conditions that put you at risk.
Wear a face covering, especially indoors.
Follow safe social distancing protocols.
Arrive together, ride the lift together.
Use your vehicle as your own personal lodge whenever possible.
Wash or sanitize hands whenever possible.
Renting ski or snowboard equipment? - go to rentals page, download rental form, print, fill out and bring to lodge to reduce the amount of time in the building.
What we are doing:
Practicing safe social distancing and wearing face coverings.
Increasing cleaning and disinfecting of our facility.
Limiting indoor seating and providing additional outdoor seating.
Single person t-bar ride unless skiers/snowboarders arrived together.
Provide hand sanitizing station.